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Bookshelf Starter's Pack

Sudan Sensibilities 2024 Bookshelf

This is a starter’s and is a curated list that will change every month. Please send an email if you would like to order these books as a package:

Kindly note that this package is around €350 minus shipping.

  1. At Home in the World: A Memoir: Ibrahim El-Salahi

  2. Contemporary Artists of the Sudan: Art in Time of Adversity

  3. Salah Elmur, Muhannad Shono: The Art Library: Discovering Arab Artists

  4. Modern Sudanese Poetry: An Anthology 

  5. Thirteen Months of Sunrise

  6. A Line in the River: Khartoum, City of Memory

  7. Lyrics Alley

  8. Home Is Not a Country

  9. Khartoum at Night: Fashion and Body Politics in Imperial Sudan

  10. Calling Out to Isis: The Enduring Nubian Presence at Philae